My mate Carl is a massive fan of Zombicide, and has bought at least one of everything they have ever made for the game. Carl would like it all to be painted but lacks the ability, time or will to get such a massive job done. I offered to have a go at painting some for him, just to see what it was like and he gave me three figures- an Abonimation, a Fatty and a Runner. I painted the Abomination in an evening, and finished the other two off the next day. I would have to say that they were an absolute pleasure to paint, great fun and very characterful models. For soft plastics the casting is remarkably good to, with minimal need to deflash and remove mould lines. I am rather pleased with the way they came out. I went for extra gore as that is the way Carl likes his zeds. I have yet to see Carl, so I don't know what he thinks, but I hope he likes them.