Wednesday 7 May 2014

Home Front 1941: Home Guard Officers

I have always been a fan of Dad's Army, and also a fan of these lovely Perry Twins miniatures from Wargames Foundry. When I saw that the Bolt Action British and the Commonwealth army list included Home Guard I knew their was nothing that could stop me getting some. I got these as a present off my wife last year, and have just got round to painting them for the Lead  Painters league. There will be more on their way soon. My plan is to use them for Bolt Action to stage an Operation Sealion campaigns (Which I am going to call Home Front 1941). I am also hoping they might see some action against Brummie's new Germans (see Brummie's Blog)

Captain George Mainwaring

Sargent Arthur Wilson

Lance Corporal Jack Jones


  1. I love this set. The likeness of the figures to the TV characters is just amazing.

  2. Nice work on the set so far mate. I hope they will see some action as well :)

  3. Love this set. They are on my wish list. You've done a great job on them.

  4. Nice! Especially the eyes on the soldiers wearing glasses.

  5. Wonderful, just need an excuse to go and get some now!
