Sunday 19 October 2014

Zomtober 2014: Week Three

Unfortunately real life has, as usual, got in the way of my plans...having spent most of the week in hospital with my son, my painting scheduled had gone up the swaney. Never the less I did manage to get two more survivors completed for Regardez! Zombie!

Here they are- a couple on daring infantrymen, exhausted from trudging through the bitter Russian winter, and having to grimly muster what strength they can to face a foe no one in Napoleons army had ever dreamed they would have to face...Les Morts Ambulants!

Hopefully next week I will get more done now Charlie is out of hospital - I intend to finish the Cowboys vs Zombies undead, and get at least three more Regardez! Zombie! survivors finished too. A tall order perhaps, but its good to set goals.


  1. I hope your son feels much better soon.
    best wishes

  2. Superb stuff. Makes me feel cold just looking at them - and our heating is on full at the moment :-) Love the way you do your bases. Really effective. Hope all is well with your boy.

  3. Glad Charlie is out of hospital :)

    And glad also to see your week 3 efforts mate. :)

  4. I hope Charlie is better mate!

    Nice additions to the completed pile!

  5. Thanks for the comments. Charlie is much better, having got good care in the Birmingham Children's Hosp. He had an infection in his hand, and still can't drum, play guitar or paint- which means he is just hanging around being a nuisance.

  6. Nice looking paint jobs. Must of been hard to get anything done this week, by the sound of what you've said.

  7. Best wishes to your son and hoping for a quick recovery.

    If your survivors are lucky, the zombies will freeze solid in the Russian winter!

  8. I wish good health to your son. Good addition on the Napozombie front.

  9. I'm digging the Napoleonic-Zombie-Apocalypse theme. Great stuff.
