Saturday 31 January 2015

ECW: Reinforcments

I just about finished painting these English Civil War figures ahead of the To Defy a King game last Sunday, but never got round to photographing them until today. This is a big field cannon called a demi-calverin, from Perry Miniatures. I call it Big Blue. 

And here are my dismounted dragoons. Mostly Perry Miniatures, with a few Warlord Fire-lock armed musketeers left over from my fire-lock unit. I opted for the same red coats, but most of the dragoons sport buff overcoats as they like to think of themselves as cavalry. Dragoons of this period didn't fight mounted, and perform a skirmish role protecting the flanks, baggage train etc. 


  1. Great job, I find the artillery absolutly beautidul and impressive, nice uniforms...

  2. Very nice work. Now step away from the historical dark side.... :P

    Just kidding. :)

  3. ^^^ LOL Pulpcitizen! ^^^

    Lovely additions Rob you'll be growing a long beard next!
