Wednesday 29 July 2015

Across The Dead Earth: 'Pet' Hyenas

Reader of my other blog, Hotel Zugando, may haver seen these before as I painted six of them for my Zugando modern African setting. Six seemed a little excessive and when Simon Q (Brummie) suggested I used them for a post-apocalypse setting I thought it was a good idea so I re-based  two of them to use in AtDE. 
Quite how a gang for AtDE got to own two 'pet' hyenas is a back story I need to work on, but in the mean time here they are, in all their vicious snarlyness. The figures are from North Star's African range with mussels and collars made from Greenstuff and chains made from jewellery chains. 


  1. I don't think you need to work too hard for backstory. In the book "The Postman" (which was much better than the movie) it was plausibly explained that exotic animals from zoos, like big cats, had survived and cross bred with resident fauna to make local hybrid predators. With how hardy and adaptable Hyenas are, I could see them doing that sort of jump pretty easily.

  2. Love the look of these, great job.

  3. Excellent work as always, and easily justifiable: a pack kept by a gang over a generation or two after the zoos etc. fell into ruin. :)

  4. Are there no Hyenas at Dudley Zoo? I seem to recall that in one African country (I forget which) the 'not-so-secret police' use them (and apparently baboons) instead of dogs.

    Nice work on them all the same. :-)

  5. They look great dude!
    And make for intimidating guard dogs. Very cool.

  6. Excellent mate. Obviously a gang of Park rangers who have lived in a zoo :)
