Monday 3 August 2015

Home Front 1941: Fallschirmjager Medic

Here is the figure I converted to be my medic for my Fallschirmjager platoon. I used an Artizan Designs FJ and cut off the rifle he was carrying over his shoulder and added a sling bag and bib with Green Stuff. It wasn't very complicated as the figure leant itself to conversion quite nicely, but I am rather pleased with the result. 


  1. Oh nice! I'd seen him in the platoon picture the other day and wondered if it had been a conversion. Well done!

  2. Nicely done mate. Well converted and painted :)

  3. What a lovely bit of conversion work and very nicely painted.

  4. Excellent work on the painting and the conversion mate. Well done. :)

  5. Really well done on the conversion. It turned out great.
