Saturday 19 September 2015

Frostgrave: Beasties

I am very aware that I haven't been posting much in September. I have been painting a lot but I never got round to photographing it until now, due to real world intrusions. To make up for it you can expect a blizzard of Frostgrave figures I have been producing recently, along with a load of snow-topped scenery. 

First up some old school 'Wandering Monsters' found near the very bottom of my Lead mountain, where they have been languishing for many many years, before the icy glow of Frostgrave revealed them once more. 

An "Armoured Skeleton". 

  Slight tougher and meaner than a regular skelly. This is a very old Games Workshop Model (I think)

A Frostgrave Werewolf

  Werewolves in Frostgrave are not men who turn into beasts but are instead a magically created being with the qualities of both man and beast. This miniature is by Copplestone Castings. 


  1. Nice work mate on them both. The first is some sort of Wight Champion I think. They look great really nice snowy bases. Ready for Zomtober?

  2. Thanks for the comments. Glad you like them. And Yes Simon. I am ready for Zomtober. I have been asked by a mate to paint some of his zombiecide figures so I have a pile of those waiting to be primed.

  3. These look superb, love the Copplestone werewolf/yeti.

  4. Excellent work as always mate, especially the colour scheme for the yeti/werewolf, and I am looking forward to the next Frostgrave posts. :)
