Monday 28 September 2015

Zomtober 2015

September draws to a close, and the nights get longer, which can mean only one thing...Zomtober is here again. The annual zombie-painting-fest is about to begin. Wargamers and painters all around the world will be painting their zombies and survivors, photographing them and posting them on their blogs. The rules are simple; paint at least one zombie or survivor a week throughout October Zomtober, then blog about it.Pulp Citizen and Brummie Simon will be keeping tabs on which bloggers are participating (there are 13 of us so far, but anybody is welcome to join in)

This year I will be painting zombies from the Zombiecide game for my mate Carl. He has given me a pile to get through, including a lot of very lovely minis from the VIP range. I am hoping to get all of them done by the end of Zomtober but there are an awful lot of Zeds. 


  1. Can't paint any zeds atm, but will run a zombie Play by blog game ..... so kinda in the spirit if not actually participating.

  2. sounds great to me. Pulp Citizen and I will get some zombie games in too.

  3. Good luck Rob.

  4. One of us, one of us, one of us.
