Saturday 23 January 2016

Adobe Buildings

I am making good progress on my mud brick buildings. I have painted two of them and I am very happy with the outcome- I feel I was justified in my belief that the little boxes I made all those years ago were at least as good as anything I could buy. I have added a few bits of scrubby plans and flowers to the bases too, as they looked very bland otherwise. I think it is these details that make all the difference. I still have to finish painting the large compound.

I also remembered that I had bought three prepainted adobe building cheep on ebay a while ago and I wondered if they would look any good next to my own scratch build ones. They are made from MDF and have been covered with a rough textured paint. the doors and windows stick out as they are just stuck on to the surface of the building. They have lift of roofs and are quite roomy inside. I decided to make a test model first. I used a craft knife to trim the corners and the edges of the walls so that the whole thing has a more rounded and organic shape that is important for mud brick building (I think that this is one of the problems with using MDF to make adobe buildings- they are not supposed to have sharp corners and edges). I will be adding a wall and an out building to the structure, and maybe a porch or something to hide the clunky front door. A little ally way between the buildings and a back gate adds to the interest when gaming too. 


  1. Very nice dude they look great! Yes your right little touches like the shrubs and bushes brings it to life.

  2. These are looking very good, as Simon says above the shrubs really do add to the feel of the pieces.

  3. Excellent repurposing of the old terrain. Well done mate. :)

  4. They are stunning. Well done!
