Saturday 16 January 2016

Work in Progress: Adobe Builidings

Wow its halfway through January and this is my first post...not good. In part I can blame real life for getting in the way, and the crummy grey English weather that has meant it has been difficult to take any photos, but there is also a degree of procrastination too. 

That said I am planning to show you some of what I have been working on for the last few weeks.  Today it is these adobe buildings that I am currently working on. Mr Pulp Citizen might recognise the basic structures as being those we used to use for 40K for many years- I made them about twelve years ago form foam card. The rounded edge was achieved by mixing DAS air drying putty with PVA glue to make it sticky then rolling it into a sausage and smoothing it onto the rounded edges- it was a very tactile and messy job but very satisfying. The result is rock hard and very durable- as you can see these buildings have withstood a fair amount of bashing about and game play, as well as some poorly considered storage solutions (such as chucking them into a box with no bubble wrap or packaging).  

In order to revamp these little old buildings I have given them new doors, new bases (from Warbases), added matchstick beams sticking out of the walls and the blue foam walls. Blue foam is an easy material to use to make adobe building as it is easy to shape into curves by using sand-paper to file down the edges. 

These buildings will see use in the planned Soviet-Afghan war a few of the guys down Earlswood have got planned. They could also be used for Ultra-modern wargaming (Black OPs or Force on Force), Mexican cowboy games, WW2 syria and parts of India for my 18th century games. 



  1. Great work Rob, they look pretty cool!!

  2. Looking good so far. Nice rescue :)

  3. Fabulous job, they look pretty good now, but can't wait to see them painted up.

  4. Those are some nice builds. I look forward to seeing them painted up
