Friday 19 February 2016

Frostgrave: Beasty and Soldier

I can't remember where I got this from but it is a sabre-toothed tiger painted up as a Snow Tiger. It could be a proxy for the Snow Leopard in the wandering monsters table, or even serve as an exotic war-dog for a wizard. 

This Frostgrave plastic has a shield taken from a GW Ogre Kingdoms sprue. It is split and has been crudely bolted back together with metals strips. I like to think that this guy used to be a humble thug, but found (or stole) some leather armour and salvaged this broken shield and is trying to hire himself out as a man-at-arms for more money. Good luck to's good to try to better yourself. 


  1. Love the snow tiger/leopard...great colours!

  2. Great work on the snow sabre-tooth Rob (and the Man-at-Arms too). I especially like the big cat's markings :-)

  3. Cat looks great - nice to see a different scheme on an otherwise established image.

    Man at Arms does indeed look as though he's attempting to step out from his lowly beginnings. Good luck to him, though if my experiences with FG are anything to go by, he'll be dead in his first mission! :)

  4. Excellent work Rob a very suitable replacement for the snow leopard. Nice work on the Man At Arms as well.
