Wednesday 30 March 2016

Dropzone Commander: Test Model

This is my first model for Dropzone Commander. It is a Falcon drop-ship carrying two Bear APC's. I was a bit disappointed when I started putting the models together that the APCs don't actually fit into the drop-ship, as I had imagined they would. I decided to experiment with magnets, and bought a bunch of tiny but very strong magnets from the West Midlands Military show. I have never worked with magnets before, and I have been very satisfied with the results. I now have a drop-ship that can carry its payload and Bear APCs that can detach and go off to fight the Scourge.

In order to fit the magnets I drilled out a small hole into the top of the Bear's hull and super-glued the magnet it. I glued a second magnet to the under side of the Falcon- I didn't drill this one in as the plastic is too thin, and you can't see it anyway. I then sprayed and painted the models as normal.

The magnets hold the Bears very firmly in place, and they detach with a satisfying tug. There are a few problems that I will need to address. Firstly the paint is chipping off. I think I might add a coat of varnish over the magnet, then paint over it again- I think this will help reduce the chipping. Secondly the other configuration of the Falcon Dropship carries three smaller tanks in a line, but that means that the 'Widget'  where the Falcons clear flying base fits into the body of the Falcon is directly where one of the tank sits. I think I might have to make a new flight stand with two sticks and two widgets so that they can fit around the vehicals and still be stable- this is a bit more complicated but not insurmountable. Luckily Hawk Games do sell the flying bases and the widgets so it should be OK to experiment a bit. The third problem with the Falcon is that when it is carrying the three smaller tanks their guns can only be fixed lying flat to the hull, which looses something of their coolness when deployed, as they don't look like they are ready for a fight. I haven't got a solution to that one yet. 

I like the new clear cockpit canopy on the Falcon

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