Monday 6 June 2016

Peninsular War: Bits of Scenery

Apologies for it being so long since my last post but I have been busy at work. In the mean time I have also been busy making some scenery for Sharp Practice and Frostgrave. Here are a few of the things I have been working on for the Peninsular war, although they many be useful for other Mediterranean or even Caribbean settings (Freebooters Fate perhaps?)

First up- A couple of road side shrines. These are fairly common in Catholic countries in Europe, including Spain. These two were made from Blue Foam, with the usual corrugated card roofs. I sculpted the statues of the Virgin Mary and the Madonna with child from greenstuff- I am not expecting any phone calls from Games Workshop sculpting team yet, but the result ins good enough to tell what it is meant to be (especially when painted)

Next up I made a lot of walls- A bit too much actually- I plan to sell some. These were fairly easy to make from Blue foam and corrugated card. I think you can tell what it is meant to be. 

And finally a tool shed for the farm house- I made the door for this one from balsa wood and I am rather pleased with the way it came out. 


  1. All the scenery bits are really well done. You'll have some pretty sweet gaming table layouts.

  2. I particularly like the shrines :-)

  3. I was looking at the Grand Manor shrines but what you have done is really effective. Might be giving this a go.
