Saturday 1 October 2016

Zombtober 2016: Bring Out Your Dead Part 1

OH MY GOD! Its the first of October and that means its Zombtober again. I completely forgot because I have been on nights and I am very disorientated about what day it is. As soon as I realised it was the fist I new I had to get on the Blog. 

Zombtober this year will feature lots of tiny zombies for my 15mm Vampire Counts Warhammer 6th edition army, along with a few of their dark vampire masters. I have completed the first 2000pts of Orc and Goblins just in time to start this project and, at the request of Vampifan I will be commencing Vampire Counts as my next Warhammer army. 

The zombie horde (although I might add a few more before the end of the month)

A Vampire Count on a Nightmare

Vampire Count on Foot

The First Go at a Corpse Cart-(It's going to be redone as it looks a bit crap)

My Vampire counts army will feature a core of two big units of skeletons and a very big unit of zombies. For Zombtober I plan on getting the zombies raised from the dead, painted and based by the end of the month. I have also made a Corpse Cart and I have two Vampires to paint. All the figures are from Demonworld, although if I can afford it I might order some more form other manufactures to add some more irregularity to the ranks of the shambling dead. 

Creepy Village

A 28mm Warhammer Garden of Morr

A different creepy village with an even creepier windmill 

A vampire Counts castle

I also plan on making a few bits of vampire count inspired terrain peaces as part of the Zombtober project (As painting endless 15mm zombies might be fun for me but I think it might be a bit dull for you readers). I am going to attempt my take on a Garden of Morr, and a creepy ruin, and perhaps even a Vampire Count castle or a cursed Sylvanian village. I can't grantee my finished buildings will look anything like these consept pictures but the will serve to give you the right feel. 


  1. Wow, that's quite a horde you've amassed - best of luck.

  2. I think my aged eyes may struggle with 15mm. Give 'em hell youngster.

  3. very nice and ambitious, love the creepy village idea.

    Cheers Roger.

  4. I feel your nightshift pain dude, good luck

  5. That some plans you have there.

    Looking forward to it.

  6. Love it! Looking forward to seeing the finished project.

  7. Masses of undead in 15mm... Can't wait.
