Sunday 29 October 2017

15mm Zombtober Ghouls

OK, not actually zeds, but close enough. These are four ghouls for my 15mm Modhiem undead warband. These miniatures are by Oddzial Osmy, and are very nicely cast and sculpted. Ghouls in Mordhiem are a rank and file troops type that serve their dark masters in return for a chance to engage in a bit of cannibalism. They are faster than the shambling zombies, but are not as tough. I also plan to get some more of these to use as ghouls for my 15mm Vampire Counts Warhammer army. 

In addition to the ghouls I have managed to repair one of the Dregs whose sword snapped off while I was painting it. This is unusual for a Demonworld figure are they are normally surprisingly durable. Anyway, I filed off the sword hilt and added a brass spear I had left over from my English Civil War pike-men. I also added a shield off a skeleton warrior (also from Demon world). This Dreg is Vlad "the Impaler".


  1. Good work on the Ghouls and the repair of the Dreg Rob. Glad to see you blogging again more regularly. :)

  2. Now they are really impressive Rob.

  3. Awesome dude. Your Warband is coming along nicely indeed.

  4. Pretty nice work. Makes me want to go back to painting 15mm figures again.

  5. They look great - a lot of detail in such small figures.
