Sunday 5 October 2014

Zomtober 2014 Week 1

Week One of Zomtober finds me with two more zombies for my Cowboys vs Zombies idea. I make no apologies for the green skin- I am just old school. 

These two are from Redbox games, and I picked them up when Red Box was having a clearance sale because they were switching from white metal to some sort of spin cast resin. Even having them shipped from the  USA they were a bargain.  Nice models- quite slight, with small heads, Well probably not that small, just realistically proportioned unlike most heroic scale minis. They work OK along side West Winds Victorian Zombies, but would look stupid next to GW and Mantics.

Blood and guts were painted with GW new technical paint, Blood for the Blood God (yes, that is what it is really called) which goes on semi-translucent and dries with a lovely sheen- an excellent product. 

two down- twelve survivors and three more zeds to go!


  1. Off to a great start mate. They look excellent. :)

  2. Excellent! They're looking dead mean ;)

  3. Great stuff and you really got the grey green skin colour spot on. I always find mine come out a little greener than I want. Great blog btw and I'll definitely be following in the future - Not sure why I haven't seen your site in the past and followed tbh :-)

  4. Great start dude! Really like those sculpts. Green is the new black.

  5. Very clean colors, nicely done.

  6. I am also for the zombie green, very much old school.

  7. Green is always good for a zombie, with lots of red of course!!
