Saturday 11 October 2014

Zomtober 2014: Week 2

Week two of Zomtober is over already, and I managed to squeeze out some more historical-zom-apoc figures. There first three survivors for the Zombies vs Napoleonics game (I have decided to call it Regardez! Zombie! for short). 

The survivors are from Perry Miniatures 'Retreat from Moscow' range. Les Morts Ambulants (does everything sound cooler in French?) are from Mantic and I painted them last year for my Finnish zombie game 'It Snows in Hell'. 

In addition to Regardez! Zombie! I have added another zombie to my slowly growing horde of living dead for my Cowboys vs Zombies game (which has yet to be given a funky title). Some intrepid photographer even managed to capture the unfortunate zombies likeness in sepia film (just before it ate his head!)

Again, another one from Red Box Games-


  1. Great stuff indeed and love the snow effect. You're certainly doing better than me with Zomtober.

  2. Very nice work on those. I like them alot.

  3. Lovely job on these Rob. I like the Red Box zombie.

  4. Great stuff as ever. :)

    For the game, maybe consider Regardez! Zombi! (without an 'e' for the French according to Google translate...)

  5. What a great idea Rob, real blood on the snow stuff! Great job Sir.

  6. Nice work indeed Rob. Survivors and zombie all.

  7. They're looking really good. Although I suspect that thy might need to be firing more than three rounds a minute to stop a horde.

  8. Napoleonic zombies. I love non-modern zombie stories :)

  9. Love the Regardez Zombi idea, love the Napoleonic ara, love zombies, why I havent thought to bring those together before... no idea. Great Job :)
