Wednesday 3 June 2015

Afghan Hill Tribesmen

I bought these Wargames Foundry figures at Salute because I liked them, and I painted them for Lead Painters League. They were lovely to paint. 
I see these as the ultimate in multi-use figures. They could be Indian or Afgan irregulars from the 18th-19th century, Berber pirates or Zanzibar slavers. They will see service in Sharps Practice, In Her Majesties Name or Pulp era gaming, and perhaps in the future might see use in the Canatic Wars (Clive of India stuff), Darkest Africa, or VBCW-in-India (where they will be mixed with the fantastic Jazz Age Afgans from Empress miniatures).


  1. They look great! And I agree on their flexibility...great figs.

  2. Very nice looking minis; love the turbans. :)

  3. Lovely paintjobs and as you point out extremely useful!

  4. Nice job, great looking turbans...
