Saturday 13 June 2015

Pulp City: Grimm

The Grimm are small, subterranean creatures that live in the sewers and tunnels beneath the city. They seem to be particularly prone to mutation, and many develop powers, or otherwise evolve rapidly into specialised roles.Citizens of Pulp City are only aware that they share their environment with the Grimm when they break through to the surface world and cause havoc. This is usually more of a nuisance than a threat, but recently they Grimm raids have been better coordinated and the Grimms themselves seem to becoming more powerful. Some scientists speculate that exposure to supreme is causing their unstable genes to mutate into supreme themselves!

These figures are the ones I painted for the Lead Painters League. They are from the Pulp City Range and are great fun to paint. If I remember correctly they are Grimmbiote, Grimm-Lee Chan, Supreme Grimm, The Toxic Grimmvenger and Grimmrock. 


  1. Wonderful painting. I especially like the Venom Grimm paint scheme :-)

  2. These are ace I love the Grimm such little characterful figures. :)

  3. They are seriously good and great fun too.

  4. They look great - we need to get your Grimm on to the table for a game before too long. :)

  5. Nice, wanted to do the KS to get some of the figs but opted out due to funds. Those are great work and the details show here better than they were on LAF.
