Thursday 5 November 2015

French and Indian Wars: Raid on Mainwaring's Farm

Old Man Maniwaring sat warming his feet on the stove while his wife and daughter prepared their evening meal. Things were good here at the farm- the harvest was in, and they had plenty of food for everyone, and even had enough to sell some at market. He could by his daughter that dress she wanted after all. who would have thought that when the left Portsmouth five years ago he would be here now, head of a thriving little village surround by fertile fields. He was a man of distinction, respected as the village leader. 

He looked over to the rifle propped up by the doorway. It was, as always, loaded. Things hadn't always been as easy as they were now, and Old Man Mainwaring had learned the hard way that he had to be ready for anything. Of course he has heard rumours last week of Huron scouts in the valley, but they were a long way from the valley here; a peaceful little idle far from the busy towns and the dangers of the frontier. Old Man Mainwaring's reward for a lifetime of hard work.

Pulp Citizen and I got together for a game of Songs of Drums and Tomahawks last week. We used the Musket and Tomahawks mission generator and rolled Slaughter and Defend. Pulp Citizen took the role of the attackers-  A Huron Indian raiding party, and I took the part of English Settlers defending their womenfolk and homes from the natives. The Huron brief was simple- Kill or drive off all six on the villagers (the unarmed women figures) and the Settlers brief was to drive off the Huron.

English Settlers 

Old Man Maniwaring       Q3+ C3 Pistol, Leader
11 Settlers                         Q4+ C2 Rifles, Wavering
6 Villagers                        Q5+ C1 Unarmed

Huron Raiders

War Chief Tecumshee      Q3+ C3 Strong, Woodsman, Leader,                                                                Tomahawk, Scalper, Musket
8 Braves                            Q4+ C2 Strong, Musket, Woodmen,                                                                 Scalper
1 Young Brave                  Q4+,C2 Woodsmen, Musket, Scalper

Villagers muck out the stables, unaware of an imminent attack

Maniwaring's Farm, with the Indians advancing form the south and up the western River bank

Huron Warriors advancing Indian file though the  forests towards Mainwaring's Farm

The villagers spot the warriors and try to run for cover. One is shot in the back and killed as she runs away. 

The Huron warriors work their way up the river back to out flank the settlers. They provide difficult targets as they shoot, then disappear back into the forest to reload. 
The Settlers emerge from their homes to protect their farms and families

The Huron, fearful of the settlers long range hunting rifles, move in close, using the cover of the farms stone walls to advance safely. 

One brave dashes out form cover to attack a settler. A desperate battle ensues, until finally the settler is killed and the brave takes his scalp!

The Huron War chief takes aim and shoots Old Man Mainwaring from across the farmyard. 

With Old Man Mainwaring dead the remaining villagers and settlers flee

The Huron scalp the dead and dying English, loot their farms and leave it a burning ruin!


  1. And a most enjoyable game it was too. :)

  2. Great Report - thanks for sharing! I'm trying to get some stuff ready for a Song of Drums and Tomahawks game as well.

  3. Inspirational read - thanks for sharing

  4. Great looking game. Tough day for the settlers.

  5. Nice report...I particularly like the storytelling at the start of it. Very nice touch!

    Looks like the Indians were clever tacticians...that Tecumshee will go far!

    Mike Demana
