Sunday 15 November 2015

Frostgrave: Some Bits and Bobs

Here are a few bits and pieces I have been working on for Frostgrave. This snake statue was from a pet shop. It has been repainted by me, and the snow has been added using white paint and fine plaster filler. 

This is a Ranger made from the Frostgrave Soldier kit with a Games Workshop High Elf bow on his back and some Green Stuff bags and pouches. 

 These statues were made from some unwanted Gripping Beast ancient Germans. The bases were made from MDF bases from Warbases. 


  1. Great stuff Rob. I especially like the Snake Statue as that sort of Stygian-looking stuff always appeals to me. great work on the minion too, and those 'German' statues look the business as well. great posting and I'm sure your "Frostgrave" tabletop will look all the better for those wonderful scenery additions :-)

  2. Nice! I have that same snake statue...though I'm lazy and use it as Blaxkleric says, it has a real Conan/Stygian vibe to it!!

  3. Excellent find with the snake statue, and really nice woprk all around on tyhe terrain and the ranger. :)

  4. Nice work mate. Like the statue - very Thulsa Doom!

  5. Excellent job dude they all look great!

  6. Lovely work dude! They look brilliant.

  7. Those Pet store finds can be excellent, as long as the price is also reasonable. Some of the ones I've been eyeing for a long time, never go on sale, but I will keep watching for when they do!

    Nice work on the miniatures as well. If those bags are all greenstuff - Well done!

  8. Nice work! I particularly like the work on the faces!
