This mini is by Reaper, as part of their Chronoscope range. She is a technician, carrying a whopping monkey wrench, with the option of an assault rifle. I thought the rifle looked unbalanced, and I already have a mechanic, so I added a retro-scifi gun from Heresy.
A blog full of 28mm Superheroes, Villains and Henchmen (Plus a bit of whatever catches my eye)
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Freetrader captain
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Grand Opening of Deadhorse Bank
This is, obviously, Deadhorse Bank. It's a larger, two story structure. Note the little shack on the back. That is where the bank clerk is supposed to sleep, so that the bank's safe is never left unattended. This precaution is supposed to reassure the good citizens of Deadhose that their money is safe in the bank. Unfortunately the bank has been robbed so any times the manager, Mister Reynolds, is having problems recruiting a clerk willing to sleep over in the shack.
This model is the resin frontage of the sadly now defunct Snapdragon Studios western building. the rest is scratch built with card, foam card and balsa wood.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Toxic Shock!
This mini is another Pulp City mini, this one being based on Nuke, a radioactive villain. I changed the head for a left over one I had from West Winds Weird World War Two range, just to make him look a bit different. I opted for a yellow and icky green colour scheme to suggests the bio-hazardous material locked into his body. I am not a huge fan of painting yellow, but I gave it a go and am reasonably happy with the results.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Second VBCW Game- Kingswinford Cross
The game followed on from the last game, which had proven rather indecisive. The general plot follows the attempts by the Royalist forces to take over the Stourbridge steel works. The Royalists, made up of British Union of Fascists (BUF) from Wolverhampton and Royalist regular army from the 'Army of the Severn Valley', had already driven the Leftist forces out of the village of Womborne in the last game. The Leftists, made up on an uneasy coalition of Socialist, Communist and Salvation Army Militia, had fallen back to the tactically important village of Kingswinford, where they made their stand. The Royalist needed to capture the cross roads in the center of the village so they could freely move their forces in to attack the steel works.
The Leftist forces make a stand in the village of Kingswinford. They take up firing positions in the houses overlooking the crossroads, and barricade the main roads. Forces from the Communist party are held in reserve.
The BUF and the Army advance through the fields towards Kingwinford. Air attacks by the Leftist's small air force take it's toll, and destroys the BUF heavy machine gun section. Undeterred the fascists press on.
More reserves from the Stourbirdge Socialist Militia arrive and take up position to repel the BUF on the left flank.
The guns of the Salvation Army armoured car break the moral of the regular army, forcing them to withdraw, before the armoured car is finally destroyed by the army vehicals. The Salvation Army are forced to abandon their position in the fields and retreat into Kingswinford, as they had nothing to counter the threat of the army's armoured cars. Reinforcements arrive from the Communist, and they retake the cross roads, but they also lack any anti-armour weaponry.
The battle ended in a stalemate, with the BUF and Regular infantry in full retreat, and but with their armoured cars commanding the road. The Leftists were still firmly embedded in Kingswinford, and would prove too difficulty to root out without infantry support.
Another great battle, and great fun all round. Ash ran a fair fight, as the results will show. The tweaks he made to the rules worked very well, as did the chance cards. I am looking forwards to the next battle, but I can assure you I will be bringing one or two anti-armour weapon! My snipers never appeared, which was a shame, as I think they would have made quite a difference in the built up environment. The lads down Stourbridge are a great bunch, and it was fantastic to see my minis on such a good looking board.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
More Red Scousers
These figures are a mix of Partizan's by Black Tree Design and French Resistance Fighters by West Wind Games. The snipers are by Black Tree, and the Spaniard is by Artizan Designs. They bring the communist force up to 44, and so I think I will have to concentrate on the royalists for a bit to bring them up to strength.
This week I went to Stourbridge for another game of VBCW. I will post some pics soon, and let you know how I got on.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Maxwell Slayer
This mini is 'The Gentleman" from Pulp City. I painted him up to look a bit like David Beckham (if Beckham was a world class assassin, and not a footballer/male model) because I wanted him to look slick and professional. I like the sculpting on the face of this mini, but its a bit pricey for what is essentially a guy with a couple of pistols. But still, Leon gave me this one, so I can't really complain. Lets have more spandex clad supers please!
CLiNT Magazine #1

Thursday, 2 September 2010
Nightmaster Returns!
This mini is a bit of a conversion. The body belongs to a vampire made by Heresy. It comes with three different head options. The heads made it into my Bitz box, because I didn't like any of them. This head is off a Heroclix mini; Black Cat, I think. I recon it works rather well.
I envisage Nightmaster as a powerful reoccurring NPC hero in my RPG campaign. I think every city needs a character like Nightmaster- someone who terrifies all but the most insane criminals. Cowardly and superstitious lot!
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Link to a Great Battle Report
Keep up the Good work Baron!