Here's a few more old Citadel Adventurers I painted for the Lead Painters League.

Rookbrow the Ranger
I went for autumnal colours for Rookbrow, rather than the more obvious Lincoln Green. A nice model, with the look of Sean Bean to him (I think).

Pebble the Pack Donkey
Pack Donkey's are an often neglected member of the adventuring party. I think they just fell out of fashion amongst adventurers, probably because they can't climb walls, move steathfully, hide, pick locks or many of the other rather useful skills needed by your average adventurer. On the plus side, they can carry your gear, they look cute, and if push comes to shove, you can always eat them.

Here's a group shot of the party I used for the LPL, including Drambuin the Dwarf. My close up picture of Drambuin didn't come out that well, so you will just have to squint at the screen a bit.
Hope you enjoy the Old School...just a bit of fun.