A blog full of 28mm Superheroes, Villains and Henchmen (Plus a bit of whatever catches my eye)
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Monday, 28 December 2009
I would like to say 'howdy' to my new follower- seven followers is very exciting, and a great complement. I hope you will spread the word, and that you will like what I have got planed to 2010.
Also I would like to welcome Leonmallett to the Blogosphere (I believe that is the technical term, but I am not very up on the jargon), as he has launched his own blog dedicated to Pulp City, a skirmish level super hero game I reviewed earlier. Leon has been a gaming partner of mine for over twenty years. He is responsible for my interests in all manor super hero games, and has always been an advocate for all things Super heroic. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of comic books, writers, miniature designers and so forth- I usually direct any questions about super hero stuff to him. His blog is called Pulp Citizen, and features some very nicely painted and photographed minis from the Pulp City ranges, as well as some very interesting and useful information about web based scenery makers and so forth. Please check him out. Oh yeah- he's also the same Leon who kindly supplies me with his spare lead so that I can bolster my ever growing pile of unpainted minis.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Merry Christmas everyone, and I hope that you all have a fantastic time.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
These evil monsters are the work of Mark Coppletone, and were a lot of fun to paint- I will have to find a suitable model for the Toy maker (a kind of Anti-Santa). Perhaps I will use these in a Christmas themed game next year (as its too late this year- were in the middle of a Dark Heresy campaign)
Friday, 11 December 2009

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Monday, 7 December 2009
The Idea was to try to capture some of the classic Conan imagery as portrayed in the wonderful art of Frank Frazetta and in the Dark Horse comics.
Friday, 4 December 2009
I has a stab as directional lighting on this mini, to give the impression she was glowing, but it wasn't very successful. I will try again.
I was inspired to do this figure by one of the amazing pictures of Deviant Art, shown below. This miniature is by EM4, and is one of the Mark Coppletone sculpts. I have had it in my bits box for a few months now, and when I saw this painting, I immediately knew I had to paint him as a bad-ass biker Santa. At the moment, he's just a bit of fun, but perhaps eventually Very Bad Santa will make it into my Supers campaign, especially when I paint up some Evil Snowmen, from Copplestone Castings- the perfect henchmen for a rogue Father Christmas.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Stay glued for some more cool Santa pics courtesy of the masters at Deviant Art throughout December.
Monday, 30 November 2009
All these minis are from Heresy. I know that are not super heroes, but I am pleased with them, so I beg your indulgence. I have just finished another two supers, and will post them as soon as I can find the charger for the camera.
You can click on the image for a bigger picture.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Check out these pictures, the follow this link to his website, Remi Bostal (hmm, that's an original name).

The man is a genius.
An evil criminal genius, of course!
I have been aware of Pulp City for some time, but mostly because of the lovely figures they produce. A quick look at their superb looking, if sometimes difficulty to navigate, website will reveal a good sized range of well sculpted 28mm. The figures are well produced and well moulded, but a bit on the expensive side if you ask me. They also have a certain house style that is not always so 'four colour'.
This was the first time we have played the game. The game is available as a PDF from the web site, and is still in a draft, play test form. It is essentially a skirmish level game, where each player controls a small team of three of or supers, battling it out in an urban environment.
Unlike it's main rival, Supersystem, which allows the players to come up with their own supers using a points based system, Pulp City figures each come with a card in their box which includes their unique rules. This helps to ensure game balance, but also restricts players to using heroes and villains form the official Pulp City canon.
The game play itself is fast and simple, even though we were not very familiar with the rules a game lasted about an hour, so we were able to fit a couple in in a day. The rules are better thought out and balanced than Supersyetem, and we both agreed that it was good fun.
Over all, I think that Pulp City is a good game. The figures are fantastic, if pricey, the production qualities are high and game play is fast an furious. I look froward to playing this game some more.
Leon has finnaly got around to photographing some of the minis he has painted. Check out this link to see some pictures of Leon's excillent Pulp City Minis.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
These are the latest minis to make it into my army of henchmen and paramilitaries. The four at the front are new, and the back row are ones I have previously posted (you can click on the picture for a larger image).
The new guys are from EM4 miniatures, while the ones at the back are from Copplestone Castings. Clearly they are all the work of the master, Mark Copplestone. EM4 work out slightly cheaper than Copplestone Castings, and they have the advantage that you can pick individual minis from their range rather than having to buy blister packs. Although the minis are a bit older, the casting is still good.
This mini is a resin figure produced by Ramshackle Games. I picked it up at a games convention earlier in the year. Ramshackle do an nice range of post-apocalyptic Mad Max style vehicles and characters. This mini is rather tall, coming in at about 40mm, but that just makes him look even scarier!
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
I have also finished my Diorama of Doom entry for the Forum of Doom competition. As this isn't a Super powered four-colour piece I'll just give you a quick taste of what I did. Follow the link to see more photos, as well as look at everybody else's entry- Some of them are stunning!
Friday, 4 September 2009
Here is a couple of pictures providing size comparisons between E4M and Heresy and Hasslefree, as requested by Ajsalium on the Forum of doom. As you can see the scale is not bad, especially with the heresy mini Incinerator.
Friday, 7 August 2009
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
This bad-boy is Incinerator, part time pyromaniac, part time lunatic and full time Vigilante. In his own mind he is the ultimate superhero, it's just that the media, police and society in general don't see it like that.
Sunday, 26 July 2009
This unsavory character is a nameless, vicious underworld criminal- dangerous, brutal and mean- don't cross him, or you may find yourself sleeping with the fishes.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Thursday, 18 June 2009
Leon and I spent a few hours wandering around the stores and chatting to some of the figure designers. I spend far more than I had budgeted for, but bought some cool things. Some of the minis I bought are destined for the Super Hero range, and will certainly make it onto the Blog at some point, while others are barbarians for my Conan-esque range, and others are Scifi.
We spoke to Mark Copplestone, of Copplestone Castings. His Kiss Kiss Bang Bang range of minis have some very nice evil genius minis that might well be added to my lead mountain at some point. Mark is currently working on a strange idea. He is making poster sized flood-plans for various locations, like an evil genius lair and an nuclear missile silo, primarily to use with his Kiss Kiss Bang Bang range, but which would obviously have a use in games like Superfigs and Pulp City, and may be even Heroclix. The production quality looked very high, so I will look forward to seeing the finished product.
Mark also hinted that he might be tempted to do some generic super figures, perhaps as a one off, and possibly in multiple parts, so they can be assembled in a number of ways.
Go on Mark, you big tease!
I also bought some resin stuff off a company called Ramshackle Games. They were cheep, but very cool.
I bought a BADGER armoured patrol vehicle for one of my Superheroes, and a few bits and bobs. Sadly they had sold out of the 'Boring Machine', because I would have loved one of those- very Evil Genius.
Friday, 12 June 2009
I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? This is an unnamed street thug (and any resemblance to any characters in any films in purely coincidental).
The Brotherhood of The Serpent
These three rough looking types are highly trained henchmen, belonging to a shadowy organisation known as the Brotherhood of the Serpent. Generally considered to be a terrorist organisation by most of the western world, their true motives remain unclear.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
This is a Superfigs mini, not a brilliant sculpt, but quite dynamically posed. the base is by Fenris Games again. Painted using Games Workshop foundation paints. The name Seeker is "borrowed" From the old Champions RPG (it's good to recycle).