This miniature is a Pulp City model- June Summers. She is cast in resin- not a material I normally buy (see my comments on Finecast), but I won thin miniature in a writing competition hosted by Pulp Citizen, and judged by the Pulp City Forum. I finally got round to painting her.
I am not too happy with the trousers, which look too shiny, but I am pleased with how the Hispanic skin tone and the tee-shirt came out.
Hey, credit where it is due: that wasn't a Pulp City Forum competition; these judges were from the Forum, but the contest was through my 'umble little blog.. Grrr.
It was a long time ago. well now that is settled, what do you think about my Figure?
Nicely done; hopefully we can see her in a Pulp City game soon...?
nice work, I like the detail on her tshirt.
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