A blog full of 28mm Superheroes, Villains and Henchmen (Plus a bit of whatever catches my eye)
Friday, 31 December 2010
Review of 2010
Last year I declared that 2010 would feature more superheros, villains, thugs as well as some cowboys and some SciFi, and the start of a Zombie horde. Well it certainly did (if 9 zombies can be considered a horde), but what I hadn't anticipated was getting into 1938: A Very British Civil War (VBCW) via the Lead Adventure Forum, and later the Gentlemen' Wargame Parlor. 2010 has seen 80+ models painted for VBCW, in addition to the rest of the stuff. I have attended a few games over in Stourbridge, and the Big Game 3, in Evesham, and generally got to know, via the forum, a great bunch of enthusiastic war gamers (some of whom follow this blog).
2011 will feature, I think, more of the same. Supers will still be the core of the blog, and I have lots more unpainted supers waiting to get featured. A number of SciFi/supers cross overs might be on the cards too. I hope to get my hands on AE Bounty, a SciFi skirmish game from the makers of AE:ww2, and get a crew together for that too. I plan to add to my VBCW armies, to bring the BUF/ Royalist factions up to strength, and to add some much needed anti-tank to my Reds. I hope to add to the zombie horde too, as I enjoyed painting the Studio Miniatures zeds so much. I will to paint some more scenery, mostly for VBCW, but also to paint some interior scenery for Supers (namely a mad scientists lab, probably featuring sharks with frikin' laser beams!). I expect I might be doing some more Battle Cars too, as Charlie wont stop pestering me about it. Leon wants to get some pulp-era stuff done too, and while I have some ready done from a RPG campaign we ran last year, I might be tempted to add a small number to this to flesh it out a bit.
Other things I am looking at, but might not get around to, are more little space ships, and possibly Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, or Gezzers Shut it! Some more Flames of War might also be on the cards.
Phew! When I list it like that it looks like I am going to be very busy in 2011. And very skint!
Happy New Year every one. See you on the other side!
Friday, 24 December 2010
Merry Christmas

Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Pulp Hero WIP
I am planning to get on and do some more Pulp stuff in 2011, as is me old chum Leon. Originally I painted my pulp miniatures with a view to role-playing, but Leon and I have recently decided it would be fun to do a few skirmish games too.
Here is the first of my new wave of pulp minis painted specifically for skirmish games. This is one of the American Rocketeers Corp. These brave and adventurous individuals are always vigilant when it comes to protecting the American way form the nefarious plots of the villainous Nazis!
These lovely minis are made by Pulp Figures over in Canada, which is probably one of the best ranges of pulp ere minis out (along with Artizan Designs Thrilling Tales range).
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Christmas Madness Pulp City Battle Report!
This is a bit of Christmas silliness my regular Pulp City opponent, Leon (aka Pulp Citizen) got up to recently. It's just a bit of fun.
Bad Santa with Evil Toy and Terrible Snowmen minions, Francis Gator, Guerrilla, Sanguine and his little vampire dog Draku. (Controlled by Me)
Luckily for everyone else, The Good Santa has also assembled some allies from amongst the heroes of Pulp City, and is determined to stop Bad Santa capturing the Snowman's Hat.
Good Santa with Kitty Cheshire, Iron Train, Crimson Phoenix (a play test character) and two Vigilante Minions. (controlled by Leon, Aka Pulp Citizen)
Good Santa advances behind Iron Train, whose massive armoured body acts as a mobile shield.
As the evil minions advance the civilians run for cover!
Kitty Cheshire phases through a car, supported by two vigilantes, and manages to take down Sanguine. Bad Santa then cuts her down in a hail of gunfire.
Kitty and her allies take out the vampire Sanguine before he can make good his escape. The Snowman's Hat is still up for grabs.
Iron Train smashes right through a Terrible Snowman like a snow plow.
Good Santa grabs the hat while Crimson Phoenix leaps into action against Bad Santa. Bad Santa's minions launch themselves ant the vigilantes, heedless of the dangers, but prove to be no match for the good guys. A violent brawl erupts in the center of the table, before Bad Santa is taken down by Crimson Phoenix's Five Fingered Death Punch.
Iron Train takes out Gator, but both Iron Train and Guerrilla prove well matched, and a Titanic battle ensues, with neither one of them able to best the other.
Good Santa escapes with the Snowman's Hat, heroically saving Christmas for everyone (Hooray!)
I hope you enjoyed this bit of Christmas Madness. It was lots of fun to play, even if I was cursed by the gods of crappy dice rolling. Check out Leon's excellent Blog, Pulp Citizen, devoted, as you might guess, to all things Pulp City. Leon will be posting his own version of the battle report, which may give a different perspective on the fight.
Leon set himself a challenge at the beginning of the year, to paint the entire range of Pulp City Figures before new year- keep checking his blog and see how much progress he is making as the deadline approaches. He has already made a herculean effort, not helped by the fact that the guys at Pulp Monsters keep bringing out more minis! He only has a few more left, and needs all the support he can get, so why not pop over to is blog and post an encouraging message.
Merry Christmas every one.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Narg Slave Race
This mini is an alien made my Hasslefree. I picked it up at Salute 2010, and have finally got around to painting it. It is obviously a relative of the Grey aliens I bought from Black Cat Bases.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
New Superhero Sighted- Fatastic Elastic
This one was a quicky, because I was aware that I haven't posted any superheros lately, just lots of villains and thugs.I also needed a stretchy guy, as I am using the excellent Squadron UK RPG for the forth coming supers campaign, and it features a rather unique random power generation table, and I keep on rolling stretch powers. This it the first mini I have painted who is obviously a stretcher.
This is a Mutants and Madmen miniature, by Black Hat Miniatures (not to be confused with Black Cat Bases, who make the grey aliens I have been painting). I picked up at Salute 2010. He stands 50mm tall. His legs too thin to easily take off his tab, so I opted for a slotta base for a change.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Christmas Madness Returns!
These miniature are made by Studio Miniatures. Me old mate Leon bought them for me in the summer when I was laid up with a bad knee. He wisely realised that it would take me six months to get round to basing them and paining them in time for the onset of Christmas Madness. Cheers Lee.
I would have to say that painting these was a lot of fun. They are superb sculpts, with hardly any mold lines or flash. A highly recommended product!
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Battle Cars Reinforced!
For this lot, I broke my self-imposed rule about doing things cheaply, and splashed out £4 for the VW camper off eBay. The thing was so battered it barley had any of it's original paint on, and I know I payed over the odds for it, but I love the classic camper van so much I had to have one in my gang. Again weapons are by Games Workshop, and cars are by hot wheels (Chevy) and matchbox (VW).
Now we have got three cars a piece I think we have enough to start gaming. Charlie and I will try out the Axel and Alloys rules, and I will post a battle report, probably early in the new year.
Friday, 3 December 2010
Rat Catcher Returns With Minions!
I found these lovely miniatures whist sorting out some stuff for eBay in the garage. They are Games Workshop- presumably from the Skaven range (but the mutants rats might be from Necromunda). I based them on resin bases by Fenris, to be in keeping with the rest of my supers range, and with The Rat Catcher in particular. They had thin integral bases which would have been very difficult to remove without damaging their spindly legs, so I filled them back and disguised them with a bit of fine sand.
Can I say a big hello to my new followers, SR, Smillie and Zanazaz. I hope you like what you see.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Tintin Vs Cthulhu

It's kind of got me thinking, as Mark Copplestone already does a Tintin character, and some snow-bound explorers, it could be great fun to do as a mini project (And could possible tie in with my Pulp stuff).
Great, just what I need- another mini-project to distract me!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
More Battle Cars
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Big Game 3 (VBCW) review

Just one of the fantastic battlefieds we
fought over- exactly what a VBCW battlefield should look like.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
More Grey Aliens Sighted!
Yet again these grey aliens are form Black Cat Bases. I have really enjoyed painting these little chaps, and I am looking forward to incorporating them into my supers campaign.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Battle Cars
Key the paint with a file to create a good surface.
Add detailing from left over bitz box stuff, and aluminium body mesh (from car repair shop) to windows to keep the zombies out.
Bullet holes added with a pin drill.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
VBCW Chester Local Defence Force
Maxwell's adjunct is Second Lieutenant William Pinkerton, who previously worked for Maxwell as a solicitors clerk. Pinkerton is, at best, unimaginative as an officer, but his meticulous attention to detail is ideal for his role as adjunct.
Their uniforms are specially made by the good women of the Chester Women's Institute to a design made by Captain Grover. Not quite as nice as his own, but certainly conforming to his own sense of what an officer should look like.
Friday, 5 November 2010
The Rat Catcher
Law enforcement and heroes have made it a priority to locate the Rat Catchers lair, but so far have turned up nothing, despite numerous sweeps of the city's archaic network of Victorian sewers.I painted this to prove that this blog is still about superheroes and super villains, despite the fact that all I seem to be painting at the moment is 1938: Very British Civil War (VBCW). If you like the VBCW stuff fear not, there is a glut of it on the way soon.
The miniature is a limited edition Wargames Foundry one I picked upon ebay for a couple of quid. it's a lovely characterful model. it was nice to paint brighter colours after the dowdy 1930's armies I have been working on lately. I also plan to get hold of some ratty minions for him, but as always, money is in short supply.
A big hello goes out to the newbies Nick and Cash1204. hope you enjoy and as always comments and so on are always welcome.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
VBCW: Duke of Farndon's Militia
The Duke is also the main land-holder in and around Chester, with his ancestral home just on the outskirts of the city. Having lost many of his holdings in Westminster to the Anglican League, the Duke is determined not to loose Chester to the damn Reds from Liverpool, and so has formed his own militia, the Chester Local Defence Force (CLDF). This private army of volunteers drawn from his estates has been armed and financed by the Duke himself. While they are firmly Royalist, the dukes history with the BUF mean the CLDF are as likely to clash with the BUF as they are fight along side them.
Captain Hon. Robert G. Grover
of the Chester Local Defence Force
Saturday, 23 October 2010
More British Black-shirts
Webster is an ambitious man, who sees the BUF as a means to an end- and that end is to become ennobled. In his own mind he sees himself as a crusading knight, fighting for king and country against the forces of liberalism and socialism. He honestly believes if he distinguishes himself in battle, then the king might grant him a knighthood, or even a peerage. The fact that he has no experience as a commanding officer, or even served in the military, does not seem to daunt him.
Corporal Edith Benson, of the Women's Volunteer Axillary of the BUF, is Captain Websters driver, and sometimes bodyguard. Many snigger that she is a good deal more than that, but never to her face. She is absolutely loyal to the captain, and shares his vision of his eventual rise to the ranks of nobility. The BUF are not short of weapons and equipment. The Prime Minister, Oswald Mosley, makes sure that they have the latest equipment at their disposal. It's a pity that so few of them have the skill and training to put them to good use. Here is a heavy machine gun section ready to lend support to their BUF colleagues during the siege of Liverpool.
These minis are by Musketter Miantuires, exsept for Edith, who is by Pulp Miantures.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Mr Achnacarry and Mr Archer (VBCW)
These two 'gentlemen' are Mr Archer (on the left) and Mr Achnacarry, agents of Mayor Walpole. Officially they are civil servants, but they are more commonly known as the mayors secret police. Mr Achnacarry passes himself of as a gentleman, mild mannered, sporting an umbrella and a monocle, but his soft spoken threats are real enough. Rumor is that he used to be a policeman in Shanghai, and knows as much about killing as is possible to know. Mr Archer is his assistant, bodyguard and sometimes his enforcer. Most people believe the rumor that he used to be a circus strongman or a wrestler. Certainly the way his muscles bulge beneath his ill-fitting suits suggest their may be some credence to these rumours.
Mr Achnacarry and Mr Archer are seen all over the Liverpool Free State, having quiet words with the commanders of the various forces fighting for the city, ensuring that Mayor Walpole's wishes are carried out.
Later in November I will be joining a load of other VBCW fanatics at the Big Game 3, in Evesham, where my Reds will be representing a militia force working for Lord Bath. The chap who is playing Lord Bath has requested I bring along a heavy machine gun or a mortar. As I haven't got one, and I am a bit skint at the moment I thought I would have a stab at making one. Here is the work in progress shot of it. The bipod is a GW mortar, and the barrel is a piece of plastic form a cotton wool bud. Minis are by West Wind. I am quite chuffed with the result. It might not be an exact copy of a ww2 3 inch mortar, but you can tell what it's meant to be. I also hope that a lucky shot form a mortar might prove to be effective against the royalist armoured cars when I next go down to Stourbridge, because I had nothing that could damage them in our last battle.
Welcome Newbies
This Blog has been criticised in the past (mostly buy my good mate Leon aka Pulp Citizen) for straying too far from it's core content, which is superhero related 28mm gaming. A quick view of the blog content will reveal that this is probably justified, as I have interest in other areas of gaming, but I will always return to the core Four-Colour theme. I hope you find something in the diverse mix of blog entries that peaks your interest, be is Supers, Scifi, Old West, Conan or Very British Civil War.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Greys in Red-Shirts
These lovely little guys are made by Black Cat Bases, ad I picked them up at Salute 2010. I love their fun, cartoon styling, and think they look great in their primary colours. they will be useful for my supers campaign, but will also find their way into my SciFi campaign, when I get around to writing it, and may even surface as a team of mercenaries in AE Bounty- I love multi-purpose miniatures.
Additionally, here another space ship. This is a private yacht, The Advent, owned by the notorious smuggler-poet Andre Eg'moss. it's heavily modified engines feature particle injectors salvaged of a wrecked Martian Light Cruiser. It's a bumpy ride, but when those injectors kick in there are very few ships this side of the Arms of Orion that can match The Advent for speed.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
VBCW buildings
A slightly more expensive, but less bothersome option is the second building I bought, a timbered building with a tiled roof. This is from Conflix and comes prepainted, ready to use out of the box, but I might repaint it anyway so it is black and white- All of the historic timbered buildings in the area I am trying to depict were painted black and white during Victorian times, so it would look more convincing if I do. I payed £17.99 for this, but I have since found it going for about £15 on the net (plus p+p).
I need to add some hedges, roads etc, and then may be get my hands on some farm animals etc. Mean while work progresses on the British Union of Fascists- more photos to follow soon.