Here are a couple of pictures of my 28mm scale terrace house prototype. The program is very versatile and can make models in various scales. I have been working on some 15mm buildings for my 15mm Zombie Apocalypse games too.
A blog full of 28mm Superheroes, Villains and Henchmen (Plus a bit of whatever catches my eye)
Friday, 30 September 2011
VBCW Card stock Terrace Houses
Here are a couple of pictures of my 28mm scale terrace house prototype. The program is very versatile and can make models in various scales. I have been working on some 15mm buildings for my 15mm Zombie Apocalypse games too.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Pumpkin Teaser
Friday, 23 September 2011
More VBCW Reds for the Wirral Socialist Workers
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Some Sillyness I Have Been Sculpting
Unfortunately for me - and fortunately for the countless small companies making miniatures who would be my natural rival, I am not actually very good at sculpting. Unless you have actually given it a go, it is hard to appreciate just how difficult it is, and how much skill is possessed by the men and women who make 28mm figures for us wargamers to enjoy.
An alien bug-creature, evolved on a low gravity world, where it's tiny tentacle-like legs can shift it's massive bulk.
A giant alien leach creature.
I can't tell you what this is for, it's a surprise!
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Dockyard Showdown
Rather than trawl over old ground and report the same battle as Leon here is a couple of pictures of the two teams involved in the battle. All the figures and scenery are Leon's, so I can't take any credit.
I did take the pictures though.
Mmmm...Tiny Brains....
This larger zombie-lady is a stripey summer dress.
A couple of unfortunates seen at the local mall.
This is my favorite. This victim was still in bed when he was attacked. Mercifully for us he was in his PJ's.
As you can see, these zombies are basically the same model twice over- The pack of zombies has 22 figures in it, with 11 unique sculpts. I bought two packs, so I have four of each figure in my horde. I have been careful to paint them differently, so they stand out as individuals.