The insanity of using Lego Star Wars instead of the more traditional 'lead soldiers'. It has it's pros and cons. Pros- it looks good, its fun and you don't have to paint them. Cons- You really can't get around the fact that you playing with toy soldiers. Any pretence that this is some kind of intellectual exercise, or that its a 'grown up' hobby, just don't stand up to accusations of "Your playing with Lego!"
A blog full of 28mm Superheroes, Villains and Henchmen (Plus a bit of whatever catches my eye)
Thursday, 29 April 2010
The insanity of using Lego Star Wars instead of the more traditional 'lead soldiers'. It has it's pros and cons. Pros- it looks good, its fun and you don't have to paint them. Cons- You really can't get around the fact that you playing with toy soldiers. Any pretence that this is some kind of intellectual exercise, or that its a 'grown up' hobby, just don't stand up to accusations of "Your playing with Lego!"
Friday, 23 April 2010
This figure is a bit unusual, because it came from a blister pack of Judge Dread figures. It's slightly over scaled for the figures I normally use, but I think that adds to his heroic stature. I also positioned him on the curb to accentuate the height difference.
The red and blue colour scheme is a motif for Team Metro. More pictures of the other four team members will follow shortly, so keep checking.
Monday, 5 April 2010
My mate Leon, who I am always going on about because he gives me his hand-me-down figs from his lead mountain, and because he is my regular gaming opponent/role playing buddy, has his own super hero blog, largely dedicated to Pulp City, as superhero skirmish game. He blog is called Pulp Citizen, and it includes lots of lovely pictures, tips on scenery making, and random mutterings about obscure comics (he is a comics book geek by the way).
Scott Pyle, aka Fourcolorfigs, has a blog called Four-Color Figures, which is dedicated to all manner of figures, both in 28mm and 15mm. As far as I know he is also the driving force behind the Superfigs range of figures, and SuperSystem, another skirmish system for superheros.
A brand spanky new site I have just found is Bubba242, all the way from Oz, called Super Small Supers. So far he has only posted one link, with three nice pics, but he has already picked up four followers. It took me about six months to do that! Check him out, and hopefully he will be encouraged to do more.
EDIT: I just realised I forgot Molotov's blog, Paragons. Molotov's primary interest seems to be in converting figures to make them into superheros and villains. He doesn't update that often, which is a shame, because he has come up with some really smart conversions.
I am sure there are more out there, and if anyone knows of any, please let me know. Hope you enjoy these!
Saturday, 3 April 2010
The male figures are by Copplestone Castings, and the lady is from Pulp Figures. I painted them in a sort of sepia pallet in homage to my favorite gangster film, Last Man Standing. I love the way that film is shot in colour, but feels like it is sepia.
Next weeks LPL will be five crewmen from a pan-galactic trading vessel, then it will be back to four colour with a London-based team of Superheroes.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
I painted this one for my Lead Painters League entry- Supernatural Super Villains. It is a Superfigs mini- and I have to say, not one of my favorites. The sculpt on the face is poor, and it took a lot of time and effort just to get it looking half decent. That said, I am happy with the colour scheme of Halloween orange and black- I think it looks nice and four colour comic book, and not at all Gothic.
Firstly, let me say thanks to my mate Leon, who sent me a very cool moonpig card featuring a picture of Hellsmith, from Pulp City, that he painted himself- and the Kick-Ass graphic novel. I have read a few pages of the novel already, and I am very impressed- very funny. We're all off to see the movie next Thursday, instead of our usual fix of Conan RPG (can't go out tonight- I'm off to the theatre with my wife to see the Hobbit- a birthday treat).
Leon and I got together last week for a couple of games of the excellent Pulp City, and this time I remembered to take my camera to record the event for my Blog. I am supposed to be posting them on Lead Adventure Forum, but I have been having problems with Photobucket's Bulk Uploader, which means I have to upload each image one at a time, which takes ages, but he's a few pics to wet your appetite.